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Can you take over CBD?

May 27, 2022

Disclaimer: Not many tests have been performed for harmful CBD levels. From a moral point of view, it is difficult to legitimize. However, according to a recent report distributed by Current Drug Safety, the “harmful” part of cbd gummies is somewhere close to 20,000 mg of CBD, which is used almost simultaneously.

To understand this, this means a small note that the recommended starting dose for most conditions is close to 5-20 mg per day. While the research was done in doses of around 1500 mg per day, most paints contain somewhere in the range of 100 to 1500 mg.

This means that one must eat an area of ​​13 and 200 whole ounces of CBD at the same time, depending on the CBD group in the pitchers. That’s hard to imagine.

In principle, if taken in the recommended portions, or even at the highly recommended daily dose, the average CBD client may not be stressed by excessive drinking.

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Is the “toxic” component of CBD deadly?

The solution to this question will surprise you. Unlike various substances, the toxic component (20,000 mg CBD) is not widely considered deadly. Very well thought out – in a similar report mentioned above in Current Drug Safety, lethal doses were produced in monkeys; however, it is not fair to focus on people.

The consensus among experts, and surprisingly the World Health Organization, is that even at extremely high doses, CBD is likely to cause excessive drowsiness, drowsiness, gastrointestinal problems, nausea and bowel movements, and other unpleasant, confusing side effects.

Include other interesting findings presented by the WHO and derived from a recent report:

At large doses, CBD affects cell growth but has little effect on non-cancer cells. Prohibited research has shown no effect on underdeveloped events.

CBD can cause hormonal changes, but these findings are unclear. More than 150 mg/kg iv as a heavy component or more than 30 mg/kg orally per day for 90 days. ”

CBD may be related to drug communication, but it is not yet clear.

In addition, CBD is one of the key components that the WHO considers to have no significant side effects or chances of confidence.

It is not intended that “testing” the harmful side of CBD is too good. However, it offers the convenience that CBD clients can explore in different ways different features so that they can observe one that suits their specific individual needs.

A real warning

Stop and think for a moment: unmixed CBD from trusted providers who are willing to provide evidence of development and collection conditions and practices, along with autonomous testing effects of their substances, is considered protected, as mentioned above, while THC is less, proven by history.

As with other health supplements, there is currently no specific standard that can be tested on something that is sold or distributed. Its purpose is in fact to indicate that CBD has significantly higher levels of THC than is promoted (in many countries, CBD must contain 0.3% THC or less to be “legitimate”), or if it contains other unlabelled substances, they may be your health dangerous. well-being.

Currently, CBD is easy to evaluate

The truth is: that CBD is protected even in high doses. As with everything, if ignored, it can cause negative effects, however, these effects are not measured by various substances, especially other cannabinoids.